Medicis Jobboard | Ad - General practitioner - Medical Doctors - Athens - Crete - Corfu - Mykhonos - Santorini - Rhodes - Greece

MedVisit SL

ES Psg Til•lers 3
8034 - Barcelona, Spain

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Medical professionals making health care easily accessible. A doctor wherever you are. 

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MedVisit SL Contact

Medical Doctors

Athens - Crete - Corfu - Mykhonos - Santorini - Rhodes / Greece 29/09/2016

Main elements

  • Specialisation - General practitioner
  • Town - Athens - Crete - Corfu - Mykhonos - Santorini - Rhodes
  • Country - Greece
  • Type of position offered -
  • Type of contract offered -
  • Contract duration - Unimportant
  • Remuneration - fix rate for each visit
  • Date of taking up position - 01/10/2016


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We are looking for qualified doctors to perform house calls in their spare time for international patients.


  • Valid medical licence
  • Fluent English
  • EU work permit
  • Flexibility and mobility

 We offer lucrative pay for each visit
